Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 9!

Last night was Drew's first grade music program. There are about 250 first graders in Drew's school. They were all crammed on the stage, it was standing room only in the cafeteria and it was a little over an hour long. But, at the end, they had all the students get back on stage and face their parents and the Principal announced the "Canal Winchester Class of 2020". I fell apart! 2020???? I don't know why but that just really got to me! So, then I started thinking...Dawsyn will be 2021, Delaney-2023, Dax- 2025, and this one will 2028. I was born in 1978. Now, my mind is running much slower these days, but by my quick calculations, I will be 50 when this one graduates from high school (see how the pregnant mind can quickly spiral downward into a depressive funk???). I think that is why I truly try to enjoy every moment and not miss a thing. I know I will blink and next thing I know, I will be sitting here and it will be 2020 and I will be planning a graduation party and I will think back to that little curly-haired boy standing on stage with his little clip-on tie (which he put up so much of a fuss about I'm not sure we'll ever graduate to actual ties) and his crooked-tooth smile singing "Oh Mr. Sun, please shine down on me!" and I will cry all over again.

It seems that when I get back to work on Monday, I am totally wiped out! This weekend I went to our annual Women of Faith Conference at Nationwide Arena. It was wonderful, as usual. I felt like the speakers were talking right to me. They even did a skit about body image and struggling with being pregnant and gaining weight! It was amazing. I must say, Shawn is a trooper! While I was at WOF, Shawn had to take all four kids to Drama class, piano rehearsal, football/cheerleading where he helps coach, and get their other usual daily activities done. He was pretty worn out as well! :)
Yesterday, Drew had his first piano recital. We sat through an hour and a half of young children playing their instruments in a hot church, just to hear his 30 second rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" on the piano. I couldn't have been prouder if he was Beethoven. He is so much like his father, though. We sat there waiting for it to start for about a half hour and literally two minutes before it started, Drew looks at me and says, "oh no" and I see that his nose is bleeding. Shawn, was sweet and volunteered to take Drew to the bathroom, although he really should be the one to deal with these issues since it is one of his "genes" that got passed down to Drew. Apparantly, the two of them will get nose bleeds for emotion! Most people just cry at movies, not my guys! :) Anyway, he didn't come back until the girl before him was half-way through her song. I was a little nervous at this point, but he did great!!!! Then we all went to Pizza Hut for dinner. So, a great, busy weekend. When I had to drag myself out of bed this morning, I reminded myself that there are only 6 weeks of school left! I am really looking forward to Summer Break! Time with the kids, fun activities, vacation, rest (maybe???), but honestly, I am just quickly running out of clothing that fits and can't wait to spend the summer in a bathingsuit (however unnatractive that will be) and flip-flops!!!

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