Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week 16 & 17!

Busy, Busy, Busy
I haven't been able to write in awhile. We were in Gatlinburg last week and I had a class all week this week. I am really hoping to begin Summer next week. We have been almost as busy as we were during the school year! We had a great time in Gatlinburg. We went horse-back riding, well not Dax and me, but everyone else. Dawsyn and Drew just jumped right on! I was really proud of them. Delaney rode with Grammy. All of the horses were named after states. Dad got "New Hampshire" which was ironic considering that the handlers had to go back to a dark end of the stable that looked like it was rarely used to get a horse big enough for my Dad. I swear the horse looked up at my Dad waiting on the "loading dock" and rolled it's eyes. This horse was huge and didn't look like it got much riding time. We went to Dollywood again. The kids had a great time. Drew was a little upset that he went on a roller-coaster that went upside down. He wasn't prepared for that. Dax loved the flying elephants! We also went to the Comedy Barn. Of all of the things we did, the kids' favorite was seeing "The Miracle". It was a musical about the creation of Satan and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I was amazed how much the kids got into it. Even Dax understood it. He immediately started saying, "I don't like that bad guy--he's yuck" every time "Satan" came on stage. They were so into it, they decided to reenact it when we got home. They even went so far as to put up a paper cross on the front of the fireplace with ropes where the arms and feet would be attached. I was impressed until I walked by it a little later and had to do a double-take at Dax who was now tied to the paper cross. He got a big smile on his face and probably would have waved had his hands not been tied down. He very excitedly yelled, "I Jesus!". Needless to say we had to have a little talk about crucifixion and whether or not I considered it an appropriate activity for my living room. Although they were slightly disappointed, they quickly moved onto "plan B" and were trying to figure out how to tie Dax up to ceiling fan so he could be a flying angel. Maybe I should have allowed the crucifixion--I mean at least they weren't using actual nails, right? I really wonder sometimes what they are going to do to "Little D" as they affectionately call the baby--I probably don't want to know.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Week 15!

We've almost made it through our first week of Summer Break. We really have been enjoying our time together. Dawsyn got to have a friend spend the night. The poor thing is an only child and was totally overwhelmed by "Team Adams". She was great and got along so well with all of the kids. She is a very bright little girl, so it was fun to watch her and Drew have conversations. At one point, they were discussing what they thought John McCain's chances were for 2012. It was hilarious. The girl was also a great swimmer compared to my "cautious ones". She kept jumping in which made Drew very nervous. He finally yelled, "Quit making waves...I'm a republican!" I really think I should contact someone about that being their new motto! We've only been out of school for 3 days and already I'm exhausted. We've visited a historical farm, gone to story time, seen the "turtle lady", arts and crafts at the library, soccer camp for Drew, first tennis lesson (let's just say Venus Williams and Andy Roddick had to start somewhere--but I don't think it looked like that!), swimming at Grammy's, played on the playground, and caught fireflies! Whew! At least we leave Saturday for Gatlinburg. We are all really looking forward to that. There is nothing better than sleeping in a car. When I'm pregnant, I turn into a baby myself and fall asleep as soon as the car starts moving. :)
I had my doctor appointment today and he says everything is looking good. He is going to keep my due date at November 26th. But, since I am c-section, He says it will probably be about 2 weeks early and I will be home in time for Thanksgiving dinner. It seems like it is going so fast, I want it to slow down. I am definitely feeling movements now and this is the stage of pregnancy I love. Let's just keep it here for awhile.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 14!

After today, I have a second grader, first grader, and Delaney will be a preschooler!!! It continues to be hard to believe that they are growing up so much. I was painting Delaney's nails the other day and I slipped and got a little on her toe. She quickly said, "Getting a little hasty with the pasty aren't you, Mom?". Isn't it lovely? She got my thighs and my sarcasm--poor kid! They have decided that when the baby is born, Shawn will come out and whisper the gender to Drew, who will whisper it to Dawsyn, who will whisper it to Dax, who will whisper it to Delaney, who will tell everyone what it is. We decided to practice this. All went well until step two when Drew told Dawsyn and she stomped her foot, sighed very loudly and angrily, then turned to tell Dax. Gee??? Wonder what Drew told her??? We decided that since Drew announced Delaney's gender when she was born and Dawsyn announced Daxton's, it was Delaney's rightful turn. She was very proud to hear this and said she would then tell the baby what it was. I smiled and said, "Honey, I think the baby will know what it is". She just patted my hand, shook her head and said, "Mom--it's only a baby--there is no way it will know what it is!" Why do I get the feeling the poor kid will think it's a girl (what Delaney wants) no matter what? Add that to the list of "things we should have thought about before having our fifth". At my second ultrasound, everything looked good. It is amazing how quickly baby is growing (granted not at a large enough rate to explain the huge belly, but oh well). Mom went with me and just kept smiling and saying "it's a boy". I have to remind her that we aren't going to find out...but she has never been wrong before. I guess I need to go get the Notre Dame onesie for the baby picture.

We went to Toledo for the weekend for my cousin Monica's graduation party. It is hard to believe that she graduated. This is partly due to the fact that I remember changing her diapers and feeding her baby food when I would babysit, but it is mainly because I noticed that she started school the year I graduated!!!! There's a reality check! My kids have gotten really good at the whole "trip to Toledo" thing. They recognize the major landmarks on our way (which is impressive considering that once you are north of Columbus, it is pretty much flat, straight farmland until Bowling Green). That isn't to say they particularly enjoy the trip, though. When we stopped at a rest area, Drew stated that he wasn't sure this "three hour car trip we do all the time" was very good for the environment. He was especially tired though, because he had spent the night at a friend's house the night before, much to Dawsyn's dismay. She didn't think it was very good parenting skills for us to let him run around and spend the night at friend's houses and, by the way, didn't we trust her??? Why didn't she get to spend the night anywhere??? It is always great to see the family and watch my kids play with my cousins' kids just like we all played together when we were little. My mom is one of eight and my dad is one of five, so we have pretty big families to visit. We even got to see my cousin, Lindsey, while she was in labor yesterday (yes, we are THAT type of family--we just walked right into the hospital room while she was in labor). Shawn's family is not at all like this! They all live within a ten-mile radius and we only see them at Thanksgiving, so he still thinks this is really odd. Katherine Rose was born at 11:54 last night and we hear she has red hair like her mommy! We are very excited for them. So, it was another busy weekend--but this is the last week of school!!!! I am really looking forward to summer and spending all day with my crew!