Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And the reign begins...

We started our new reign with our first festival of the year. I knew this year was going to be different now that we have Delaney travelling with us!

I was proven correct when we had a "ketchup" incident within two minutes of being at the luncheon. Good thing her sash already has red accents! It is going to be a long year!

On the boy-side of things, Dax scored his first soccer goal! He was so excited, but of course, he had to call and tell me about it because I was at the girl's cheerleading coaching them. It is so hard to miss out on things. He was so excited telling me all about it on the phone. It absolutely broke my heart that I wasn't there to see it.

Now that we are back into all of our activities, it is so hard to split our family in two all the time. Usually, I take the girls since I coach their cheerleading, and, well, Daddy will go to the Queen stuff if he has to, but it definitely isn't his first option! Shawn ends up taking the two older boys since he coaches Daxton's soccer and soccer is his "thing". Poor little Drake usually goes with whomever feels they can watch him more easily. However, on Saturday while I was coaching that ended up being various parents at the football game. He is like the "mascot" of everything we are involved in. At church, he is passed around so that sometimes we are all left asking, "Where's Drake?" At sporting events, the question is "Who has Drake?", and at family events, it's usually, "Let me see Drake!". He doesn't lack for love or attention at all. I just wish his entire photo album wasn't filled with captions like, "Drake at Dawsyn's festival", "Drake at Drew's birthday party", "Drake at Delaney's Kindermusik class", "Drake at Daxton's soccer game", etc., etc. I tell myself that before I know it, we'll all be sitting at events for him!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

I have a 9 year old and two Queens!!!

What an exciting week for Team Adams! Drew turned 9 last week, waking up on his birthday and reminding me that he is now closer to driving than he was to being born. His big gift was a DSi from his uncle CJ--even though Mommy DID NOT want him to have one! He had a sleepover with 10 3rd grade boys--that was exhausting! He also got a cell phone (for emergency use only--although he has already downloaded a SpongeBob ring tone and put a picture of himself making a peace sign as his wallpaper--really? When did he grow up?)
Dawsyn ended her reign as Little Miss 1st Attendant for the Amanda Firefighter Festival by trying out again. This was horrible on me!!! Both girls tried out in the same category and all I could think was , "This cannot end well!" I was wrong--Delaney was crowned Little Miss 1st Attendant and Dawsyn was crowned Little Miss! So, that means another year of travels for the Adams' girls! Delaney was so excited when they put the crown on her. She said she thought to herself, "I am so awesome!" Then she turned toward where we were sitting and said in a loud whisper from the stage, "Mom! Now can I go get some Dippin' Dots?" Dawsyn was just beaming! Not sure she has come down yet. She is very excited to have the biggest crown!
Dax and Drake were in the baby contest and they took 1st place and 2nd place in their respective age groups. So--a very busy, stressful week, but overall, it ended well!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Delaney is a Kindergartener! Her first day went really well. I just can't believe my baby girl is in Kindergarten already! And Drew had his first soccer game for the travel team he made in the Spring!
We started her first week of Kindergarten off well too! As if our life needs something to make it a little more interesting, Sunday ended up being another classic, "making memories" day for the Adams! Sunday, when we got home from church, there were two huge dogs running around our house. One was a white pittbull and one was a black lab. They were friendly dogs--almost too friendly. They wanted in our house and made it almost impossible to carry groceries in. We finally got inside and after an hour of these dogs throwing themselves up against our doors and windows, and our children, in all their political correctness, calling them "WHITEY AND BLACKY", a truck pulled in the driveway, called the dogs and left. Glad THAT was over, we decided to go over to mom and dad's to help them paint their new addition and visit with my mom's sister who was coming in for a visit. We had a nice visit and decided to head for home so we could relax and get ready for the busy week ahead.
We pulled in the garage and I went in to unlock the door and set the alarm. As I was pushing the buttons of the alarm, I heard the sound of running feet and was greeted by a big black lab and huge white pittbull! Apparantly, they had gotten loose from their owner, somehow pawed open our French patio doors (the smear marks from their face and paws were good evidence) and then spent the next few hours running around and having a good time. Thank God they were still in the house when we got home, or I would have thought for sure we had been robbed! Pictures were off walls, paper and string was torn and all over the house, drawers had been pawed through, they pooped in all of our beds, created "LAKE DOGGIE PEE" on our bathroom floor, not to mention the lovely paw marks on all the windows, walls, bathtubs, etc. The kids clothes were skattered throughout the house along with teddy bears, toys, a few of my bras, the list goes on! I literally stood there for a minute and thought, "this cannot be happening!" When Shawn came in the back door, the dogs ran out and we never saw them again. Luckily, our family members came over to help and all took laundry home so we had clean beds to sleep in that night! Of course, the sheriff wasn't interested and after the dog warden asked if they were vicious, he wasn't interested either! So were stuck cleaning up the entire house at 8:00 on a Sunday night of the first full week back to school and all after-school activities!!! I was worried the kids would be really upset by the whole experience, but as I was on my hands and knees cleaning a spot where one of the dogs, obviously a male, had chosen to lift his leg and go to town, Dawsyn and Delaney came to me asked if they could have a tea party! I wish I was so blissfully unaware sometimes!