Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 8!

Yesterday, Drew took in the ultrasound picture to show his classmates. The teacher said he stood up very somberly, headed to the front of the room, ultrasound in hand, faced his classmates, held the picture up, and then very seriously looked over at the teacher and said, "It's not the first time I've had to do this!" When the teacher relayed the story to me, I thought about how many times a day that quote fits my life. Every load of laundry, every dinner cooked, every dusting, sweeping, reading, shoe-tying, diaper-changing, question-answering, conflict resolving, moment. Yet each new baby is a whole new experience. How can every day be so similiar yet so different at the same time. I am convinced that only happens when you have children running around. The other day I was in the store and someone made the usual comments (I am going to by a shirt that says- "Yes they're all mine, and Yes, I know what caused it!), but I was particularly bothered because he said, "boy, you have your hands full". My kids were all walking nicely beside the cart and we were having a great conversation. I've decided that my new response will be--"if you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!"

Houston, we have a heartbeat!!! I decided not to wait it out and found a place nearby that does ultrasounds. I paid $75.00 for some peace of mind and it was well worth it! The tech was great and really thorough. She checked all over for two--but only baby for us! The heartbeat was 167 and the baby measured a little ahead--back to where I originally thought I was. So, I am officially in week 8! This put the due date at November 29th! We even got a dvd of the ultrasound. The kids were so excited when I came home and told them I had a movie of the baby. I put it in and then just watched their faces as they contorted their smiles, turned their heads sideways and squinted their eyes. Finally, Drew said, "uh, mom--I think you're having a jellybean!". Dawsyn got very emotional and wanted to know what was wrong with our baby and why it didn't have arms, Delaney thought it was cute and went skipping along her merry way and Dax just kept pulling up my shirt and looking from my belly to the tv with a confused look on his face. Ahhhh, signs of things to come. I can't wait to see what they think of the whole birthing experience! Shawn's response was classic-Shawn. He smiled, gave my belly a little rub, left for the kids' music class and came home with a pack of newborn diapers. His little way of saying, "I'm ready for this."

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