Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 10!

We decided to add four more members to the family. Luckily, these get to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house. On Sunday, mom and dad took the kids and let them each pick out a bunny. Mom mentioned to my dad a few weeks ago that she would like to get bunnies for the kids. Well, you only have to mention things once with my dad! If their is a project to be done, he will do it. I don't know how he will ever retire! And.. he doesn't do anything small. He got a huge rabbit hutch, totally resided it (if there is ever a tornado, we are all going to run out and hold onto the rabbit hutch), painted it and he even built a rabbit run so the kids can play freely with the bunnies. They are loving it. The only problem is they want to be there all the time (thinking this might have been part of mom's plan). The other problem is that our intense one (aka Dawsyn) cries every night when she has to leave them!!!! She says she wants a zoo in her house--little does she know how very close we are!

Dawsyn had her Daddy/Daughter dance on Friday. I took her to get her hair done, then we went to Godmother Angie's house to get dressed. When she was all ready, she came walking down the stairs and Shawn was waiting for her at the bottom with a corsage and charm for her charm bracelet. It was all very moving. I thought to myself, I am going to blink and she will be going to her first prom. I could tell she felt like she was in a fairy-tale and was just floating on air. She was Cinderella and Shawn was her prince charming. Anyone ever notice that the mother of the princess is either dead, evil, or asleep in those fairy tales??? Do you want to know why??? It's because while Prince charming (AKA Daddy) and the Princess are at the ball, the mother is in the parking lot of the soccer field with a screaming two year old, hungry four year old, and struggling to push soccer cleats onto her seven year old's feet. She then maneuvers the soccer equipment bag over one shoulder, the two year old on the other hip with his leg positioned over the much-too-big-for-this-far-along pregnant belly, grabs the four year old by the hand, hopes she has taught the seven year old enough to dodge through the parking lot on his own, just to get to the field, uload everything she is carrying, except the much-too pregnant belly of course, and gets ready to fill in as coach for Prince Charming. At this point she is hoping that "kick the ball towards that net" constitutes coaching a soccer game since she has never played and those who know her well, know that back when she was the Princess, she used to strike out at T-ball!!! She takes a deep breath, tries to gather herself together, when the tornado sirens go off. People start blowing whistles and yelling, "Get off the field!". Not a problem--up goes the equipment bag, the two year old, grab four year old hand and try to talk the seven year old down from the edge because he knows what a tornado is and is totally freaking out the whole way home! You know you are officially a mom when, instead of getting in the car and driving home as quickly as you can, you drive towards the storm because now that soccer got cancelled, you can get some pictures of Prince Charming and the Princess at the dance! In the middle of a tornado, putting the other children at risk , but hey--a small price to pay for an awesome scrapbook page, right? I think those fairy-tale queens got a bad rap!

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