...Your husband jumps out of bed on Mother's Day because he hears the kids down in the kitchen making Mommy breakfast in bed. He gets downstairs in time to see the 3 year old pouring Cinnamon Toast Crunch on a plate!
...Said husband then helps make breakfast in bed and brings it upstairs, but can't find a place to set the tray because the bed is full of kids who all want to sit next to Mommy, or on top of Mommy!
...When the tray is placed in front of Mommy, it has eggs and four pieces of toast on it. As Mommy lifts the first piece of toast to eat it, the three year old says, "Can I have one?" which then prompts the other kids to join in and pretty soon, Mommy has only eggs left!
...Your driving in the car after church on Mother's Day and the girls are fighting yet again in the backseat and you stop at a light and say, "If you continue to fight, I am just going to get out of this car and walk" and you even try to illustrate this by opening the car door and waiting for their gasps and cries of "No Mommy!" only to hear silence. Defeated, you shut the door, and a few minutes later hear the 3 year old tell you, "Mommy--the girls are still fighting back here--you might want to get out now!"
...You are embarrassed at a party because your 3 year old makes a big scene of spitting out the food on his plate and saying (at the only volume he knows how to produce--loud!) that he doesn't like "THESE PEOPLE'S" grapes and strawberries and they are "Yuck!". When you look at his plate, it is full of black olives and cherry tomatoes!
... And, after a full day of running around for Mother's Day, when the kids are all asleep, you quietly tuck your prized possessions of the day in your hope chest with tears in your eyes because you know you will always cherish the handprint flowers, and acrostic MOM poems that the kids made at school this year and you know it is all going by way too quickly!