Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 18 !

Almost half-way there! It is hard to believe that I am this far along already. I am really starting to feel little nudges and movements. The last ultrasound went well. Baby is getting big (not nearly big enough to excuse my hugely-expanding belly, but about 6 ounces now). Today I did what every pregnant women has the inexplicable urge to do--I watched "A Baby Story". What is it that we find so irresistable about watching other women go through the pain that is inevitably in front of us??? Yet, we all cry when the mom cries and can't wait for our moment. The difference watching it this time was that I have four older children who were watching (in obvious horror, I might add) as the women gave birth. Needless to say, they had a million questions. It started with Drew saying, "I thought we came out of your belly". I explained that I have to have c-sections because Drew got stuck. This always upsets him when it is mentioned because he will say, "because of my big head" and then get very defensive about his "ginormous dome" as we lovingly call it. So then they wanted to know where I was cut, how the baby got out, could I see it happening?, how do they put me back together? etc, etc. I showed them where I would be cut. Drew looked horrified and said, "Mom isn't that awfully close to your 'private area'?" I explained that if a baby is born the normal way, they actually come out of the mother's private area. Drew was absolutely disgusted with this idea and after a few moments said, "Mom, that is so gross--I'm sure glad I had a big head!" Funny how his viewpoint changed once it was put in perspective. Delaney just said, "I see--they cut you like this (made a slicing motion across her lower abdomen), pull the baby out (made a motion like she was taking the thanksgiving turkey out of the oven), and then staple you back up (made a motion like she was stapling papers together, which quite frankly I could have done without)." I said she was right and she seemed happy with this and went on her merry way. Dawsyn had a meltdown saying that she remembered now--when mommy brings the baby home it is all about the baby, mommy can't do anything, and they would probably have to make all their own meals, and not get to leave the house for a month, and something about it not being the first time she's had to deal with all of that. As a side, the only baby she remembers is Dax and before Dax was even a week old, we were going to her dance class, Kindermusik, and the mall... and I seem to have vivid memories of dragging myself into the kitchen to somehow manage meals for the other children, but, once again--all in the perspective!
Dax is doing really well with potty-training. We are a week into it and he had a completely accident-free day and night last night and only two little accidents this afternoon while I was gone. It is hard to believe that we might actually be diaper free for a few months. That hasn't happened in almost 8 years! It will be short-lived, but still a small victory! You can have your awards and medals, your Nobel Peace Prize, Grammies, and Emmies, but I have potty-trained four children--take that!!!

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