Friday, July 10, 2009

Week 19!

What is a nap?
This week has been crazy. I feel like a high school athlete during Summer two-a-days. Only this time, I am carrying along baby #5, and a potty-training 2-year old. Drew has had football camp every morning for three hours and Dawsyn had cheerleading camp every evening for three hours. Needless to say, by the third day of this, I was exhausted. On top of that, we also fit in story-time and a puppet show at the Library. So, yesterday between the two camps, after all of the laundry was done and put away and lunch was all cleaned up, I sat on the couch for a few minutes. Then, I decided to lay down. At this point in parenting, I have mastered the art of half-sleeping, half-listening for the kids. Of course, Drew totally freaked out at this. He started feeling my forehead and asking me if I was OK. I tried to reassure him that I was fine and just tired. Well, this was not a nearly good enough explanaition for him. Next thing I knew, he was calling Grammy. I heard him dial the phone and then say, "Grammy, something is wrong with Mommy, she says she is just tired, but I don't believe her". Of course, I knew my Mom would be concerned, so I asked Drew for the phone. I explained that I was just tired. She got back on the phone with Drew and I heard him ask what time 15 minutes would be and assure her that he would call her back if there were any problems. I then hear him tell the other kids that he is in charge and Mommy needs to sleep for 15 minutes to feel better and that Grammy told him when 15 minutes would be and he would wake me up then. Of course, the girls did not take this well and immediately started screeming that they should be in charge. Dax came over and layed his head on my face asking, rather loudly, if I was OK. This totally put Drew over the edge when I answered Dax and he screamed that now the 15 minutes had to start over. The problem was he didn't know what time 15 minutes would be now. So, he did the obvious thing, he came over and woke me up to ask when 15 minutes would be so he would know when to wake me up. This actually ended up being perfect timing because Dax decided to not quite make it to the potty on time at this precise moment. Never mind, Drew--15 minutes is up! :)

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