...we INVADE! Travelling with 5 kids in tow, is never conspicuous, but the older they get, the more obvious we seem to become! I have long been aware that as the children grow, we, as a family, grow increasingly closer to looking like a clown car when we arrive at our destinations. I slide open the door and one by one, they start jumping out. People at the grocery store have actually stopped and stared. Even our new priest at church commented when he met our family for the first time. He asked if I was pregnant again. When I quickly answered no, he said, well good--its good that you know how to do something just for fun!
So, the other day, after sweating it out at Daxton's flag football game. The one in which he got in position, gritted his teeth, put on his best "football" face (for him this involves scrunching up his little face as tight as he can and baring all his teeth--it could be mistaken for extreme constipation, but you get the point), grabbed the football, and ...ran the wrong way---AGAIN! It was very hot, so of course, while he was playing, his siblings kindly drank down his water bottle so that the child who was actually exerting energy had nothing left to drink. Not to fear, though, he apparently was not dehydrated since he still had to use the porta-potty twice during the hour game! On the way home, he began to cry that he had to go to the bathroom and would not be able to make it home (yes, we are beginning to think he may only have one kidney!). We decided to stop at our friend's house whose son also plays football. My friend just had major surgery and is recovering, so I don't like to drag my entourage into her house, but felt we had no choice. When we got to their house, it was apparent that they were not home. At this point, Dax is in panic mode, which means the other children are all reacting just for the fun of it. So I look at Shawn and say "what are you going to do?" I am assuming he should take this one on for the simple fact that he has the same equipment needed to get the job done. He decides to take Dax in our friend's backyard and Dax decides he wants to pee in their creek. We quickly get this done and try to scramble all the kids back into the van. We pass our friends as they are turning onto their road and it dawns on me that in the last two weeks, I have seen neighbors, friends, and church members dropping off food, flowers, cookies, and many other goodies to this family. In fact, as we were leaving, neighbors were coming over with a decorated box of cookies shaped like crosses! Not Team ADAMS! NO SIR! We won't bring you dinner, or cookies, or flowers. Good friends do that sort of thing. Only the best of friends will pee in your creek! I think they might sell a sign that says that at Wal-Mart. Just another time I tell myself-- I'm gonna miss this! :)