Sunday, November 20, 2011

Number 5 is 2!

So little D is now officially two. Not that you need to be told that if you spent five minutes alone with him! He is the little man of the house and feels he has every right to tell everyone else whatever is on his mind, which apparently is quite a bit! He reminds me so much of Drew at this age with the way he talks and thinks, but he has Dawsyn's temper, Delaney's face, and Daxton's little ornery gene! What a combination!

I hate it when each of them turns another year older, but it is particularly difficult when it is Drake. He is the reason I started this blog almost three years ago when I found out I was pregnant for him. Now, as I type this, he is screaming that he needs Daddy because he wants his socks on!!!! He is very picky about having socks and shoes on. I think he is afraid that if he doesn't have them on, he will get left behind. I don't know where this irrational fear comes from since he has only been forgotten in the car once, lost at a greenhouse once, and accidentally left behind when we went to leave once--but most of the time we remember him--especially now that he is so vocal!

He doesn't like to be held anymore unless he is really tired or afraid. He hates the dark (the one thing he got from Mommy) and loud noises or heights. He is definitely becoming his own person and it is so fun to watch. I look at his little face and see so many possibilites for the future. I hope that he always knows that even though he is number 5, he is so important to us and we could never imagine life without him!

1 comment:

  1. Wow He doesn't look like a baby anymore =( I miss you guys, can't wait to see you when I'm home for the Holidays! Hope you are all doing well!
