Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good News!

After sitting at Children's Hospital for 3 hours, seeing a nurse practitioner and a cardiologist, and after an EKG, we were told that they were sorry we had sat so long, but we had the healthiest kid they had seen in a while and they weren't sure what our doctor had heard, but he had an absolutely perfect sounding heart!!!! Shawn and I were both thinking, "Are you kidding??? We'd sit here all day to be able to take home our healthy baby!" So, we are very much relieved and just to prove how well he is doing, he rolled over today!!! I had laid him on his belly and was reading the paper and heard him start to cry, so I thought I would pick him up as soon as I was done with the article I was on, when I put the paper down, Drake was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling! is officially Spring! We took a long walk down the road today and it was wonderful. I have to admit that I love Daylight Savings time. I know some people hate getting up and going to work in such darkness, but the good thing for me is that 4 o'clock in the morning looks the same whether it is Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall. But, I love that we now leave Dance class in daylight.
On Friday, Shawn took Drew to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". Dax and Delaney went with him. Dawsyn, Drake and I went to Kohl's to do some shopping. Drew loved the movie, but amazingly, so did Dax. He keeps running around the house doing a scene from the movie. It is a little disturbing, especially to those who haven't seen the movie because it involves him running up to people asking if they want to "See his secret freckle" and then lifting his shirt and saying in sing-songy voice-"It's got a hair in it!" He even went so far (with the help of Dawsyn) to draw a freckle with a hair on his belly! After the movie, we took Drake to get his picture on the Easter Bunny's lap. Drake did fine with it, but on the way home, Drew said, "Mom--not to be rude or anything, but that is my least favorite part of every holiday--you ALWAYS make us sit on whatever holiday it is' lap!" I pointed out that this wasn't entirely true since we don't even celebrate half of the holidays that exist in the world, but if he kept complaining I would be sure to find a "Hanukkah Harry" or "Ramadan Raj" for him to sit on their lap--even if I have to pay some strange man to put on a Yammukah and beard and have Drew sit on his lap, holding a dreidel in one hand and a menorah in another!!! He quit complaining real quickly! A few minutes later, I turned to look at my "pre-teen eight year old" sitting in the back seat with his skinny jeans and canvas shoes, untied and up on the seat in front of him with his messy hair that I am beginning to think he messes up on purpose because of the attention he gets over his dark, curls, staring at his gameboy (which he only has because my aunt gave him her daughter's old one), and occasionally giving dirty looks to his two sisters who are singing a Lady Ga-Ga song (don't ask!) next to him, and I suddenly realize that he may be a little beyond sitting on 6-foot tall bunny wearing pastel,handing him a small chocolate egg from a little pink basket yet still referring to himself as a "he" I have to admit even I have trouble swallowing that one! I can see the changes coming and I am totally aware of them--but that doesn't mean I have to totally accept them, does it??? I mean, I'm sure I can still get a few years worth of pictures on the bunny's lap as long as I can threaten him with Hanukkah Harry, right?

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