Monday, November 30, 2009


We had a nice Thanksgiving with our families. The kids really enjoyed themselves and I even managed to get all of my CHristmas decorations out over the weekend. However, the real test begins tomorrow when Shawn goes back to work! The hardest part seems to be getting everyone where they need to be, especially since the doctor still hasn't said I could drive so we are relying on Aunt Emily and Aunt Cassie a lot. It is amazing to me how two weeks ago it seemed so odd to add another member to our family and calling this new person "Drake" seemed unnatural. Yet we already couldn't imagine life without him. It reminds me of a quote I once read that said, "Someone said that you can't love your fifth child as much as your first... but someone never had five children". So far, he seems to be a very easy-going baby. He reminds me a lot of Delaney's personality when she was a baby, but he looks a lot like Dawsyn. The kids are already Christmas Crazy!!!! So, the next few weeks are going to be constant commotion around here. I can't imagine what Christmas is like for people without kids. I bet it is a lot calmer, but probably not nearly as interesting. I am doing well, I just really start to crash around 8:00 every night. I try to stay up until around 10:00 to feed Drake and most nights he makes it to 3 or 4 before he needs to eat again, so I really can't complain. He still isn't back up to birth weight, which surprises me because he only goes two hours between feedings during the day. The good news is that the nursing is really helping me lose the weight, so hopefully that will continue. I also hope to totally get my personality back, I still feel a little out of it at times and my wit certainly isn't back to normal yet, I can't believe how many one-liners I've let get by lately, but I secretly think Shawn is enjoying that aspect of the recovery!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for U!! He is adorable!! Love the stories, keep them coming!!

