Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 23!

We have a ...
...Lego Luke Skywalker!!!! Yes, I am the proud grandparent of a 2 inch, not-quite-an-ounce, blond-haired, plastic Luke Skywalker! He even came out with his lightsaber fully intact! Dax was very relieved that his delivery went well. There were complications however because Dawsyn and Delaney informed me that they had to perform a C-section. He even walked around with a band-aide on his stomach for half a day. He lovingly took care of his little lego baby for two whole hours, but has since informed me that he lost him somewhere and might need to get a new baby in his stomach. Luckily, they did think to celebrate the baby's birth with a full mass in our living room before the babe went missing. I was not really invited to the mass, as I was busy doing laundry, but I was informed that Dawsyn was "God" which to Delaney and Dax means that she was the priest. When I came around the corner, the scene was one-of-a-kind. Dawsyn was standing behind our coffee table which she had carefully covered with the finest kleenex tissues. She had a plastic bowl of fruit loops (the eucharist) and a "Dora" cup of apple juice was the wine. Drew was seated at the piano playing music, while Dax and Delaney were sitting on the couch singing the "Alleluia" at the top of their lungs. I pretended to be busy and not notice so as to not interrupt their service, but I did catch the end of a wonderful homily about forgiveness and not losing your temper (ironically, two things Dawsyn really struggles with!). Oh well, at least I know she has the right idea--But I still need to inform her that the leader isn't God, but the priest. These are the moments that I wish I had cameras installed in the house so I could turn them on and not miss a beat--I'll probably have the same wish when they are all teenagers, but my motives might be different!
As for our baby, everything seems to be going well. Shawn even got a little kick in the hand the other night! I wish I was doing so well. I currently have a pinched nerve in my hip and two pulled muscles. I look horrible when I am walking, but I still keep going. Today, the kids and I worked in my classroom, then went to Easton to see "G-Force". We have a great time, but I am definitely slower than my usual self! I'm not sure I can handle this pain and lack of mobility for 15 more weeks! I just keep telling myself that the end result will be well worth it.

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