Monday, January 9, 2012

Little Man Dax turns 5!

I CANNOT believe he is5!!! Drew just turned 5 yesterday, when I was pregnant for Dax, didn't he? So hard to believe...

Dax and I did our traditional "5 years old today" fun day with just him and mommy! We started out at Starbucks for breakfast (OK, so technically this was for Mommy-but we are talking about Dax here, so I knew I was going to need the caffiene to keep up with this one!!!), then we went to see The Muppets at the theaters at Easton. I realize why the Muppets were big in the 70's---everyone was doing the drugs I needed to make it through this movie!!!!! Seriously--even Dax leaned over and asked when we could leave. Even Jack Black could not save this one. Once that was over, we experienced the torture that is Build-a-bear on a sunday! It was worth it, though. Dax made a bear for me and recorded himself saying, "Hi Mom, It's Dax, I'm 5 and I love you!" Now I will always have his little five year old voice for those days when he is 15 and "I love you Mommy" isn't exactly on the tip of his tongue anymore. He then made a bear with my voice. I said, "Hi Dax. It's Mom. I love you-you will always be my little man Dax". However, as you can see by the above picture, by the time he was done with his bear, I should have pulled out by best James Earl Jones impression and just said, "Dax- I am your mother!" So now, Darth Vader bear will forever have my voice. Please don't let me die any time soon--I would hate for that to be the thing he carries around to hear my voice and tell other people that it reminds him of his mommy! After this we visited Gamestop, Lego Store, and finished at the arcade. Yep--I happily spent $50, two hours, and got a leg cramp from trying to press the pedal on Mario Cart because he couldn't reach, but is too big to sit on my lap, and had to hold the lunge for the full two minutes of his race, to get three plastic swords, a bag of sour patch kids, and ....wait for it, wait for it....a tootsie roll! Yes-- this would have come to a grand total of $3.50 at the dollar store, but really--you can't work your triceps with twenty games of skeeball so you can use up the rest of the credits you paid for because the five year old suddenly decides he is done and wants to go home to play video games at the dollar store! If I wasn't turning 34 tomorrow, it might actually be funny that I'm sore today from the games!!

So, five years ago today, I was in the hospital with my perfect little family of two boys and two girls. Everyone had a brother and a sister, and Shawn and I were perfectly happy. Funny how sometimes, you don't realize what your missing until you get it! And boy did we get it with number 5! Yesterday, Aunt Cassie took Drake to sunday school with her since I was with Dax. Apparantly, he fell out of a chair and yelled out, "I suck!" in front of all of the preschoolers. Awesome--guess we're not getting "Catholic Family of the Year" again this year!!!!

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