Saturday, January 28, 2012

Laney Lou is 7!!!

So the family came over and we sang and had cake and ice cream, and, of course, presents! Thus, the last birthday of the
TEAM ADAMS birthday season! I feel like we have been partying since September. So now, my children are 10, 9, 7, 5, and 2. And I am 34. We are all getting older, but still trying to enjoy every special moment together. Even though they are each getting more and more independent, I am finding they need me in other ways. And they each need me in their own special way. This week, when I asked Delaney what she wanted me to make for her treat to take to school, she said, "Store-bought cupcakes". I told her I would make her cupcakes if thats what she wanted, but she insisted that they be "store-bought" because she is always the only kid who's mom makes stuff and she wants stuff from the store like everyone else! Oh well, sign of the times I guess. We compromised and I made her birthday cake and cookies for her drama class. She was also embarrassed because I took her to two skating parties this week and I was the only mom who skated. Poor kid--only 7 and she's already had it so rough! :)
My Mini-me! Today as Delaney and I were out for her birthday lunch, a person I work with stopped us and said, "Oh my! She looks just like you! I just laughed and said, "yes she does!" I asked her later if it bothered her that people always say she looks like me...she said, "no mommy-you're pretty". It made my day!

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