What a weekend...
We had to travel to Bowling Green for Drew's soccer tournament. It was freezing cold and windy for most of it, but of course, once we went back to work this week, the weather is beautiful!!!
Drew scored a goal in the tournament, so he was pretty excited! We had to rush home from the tournament to get to the piano recital. Drew, Dawsyn, and Delaney all played well. From there, we went to Zac Abel's first birthday party (cannot believe that year has gone by already!), then had to rush to the airport to send Shawn on his way to Vegas for the week. He is at an IBM conference for work.
This is the second year he has done this, so I thought the trip to the airport would be a little easier. Last year, all five kids fell apart when Shawn left. This year, only Delaney cried and I was feeling pretty smug with myself...until we got to the big decision of the day---elevators or escalators??? Dawsyn is scared to death of elevators--always has been and Dax has suddenly developed a huge fear of escalators! Luckily, no one has yet developed a fear of saran wrap, foil, or some other terrible, scary thing!!!
So... We attempted the escalator first. About half-way down with Drake on my hip, I realized Dax was not with us. I turn around to see him still at the top of the escalator, moving ever farther away from me, shaking and crying. I cannot let go of Delaney's hand and can't put Drake down. Luckily, Drew saw what was happening and ran back up the escalator to rescue Dax!
Dawsyn survived the elevator in the parking garage, Drake ran off when I set him down to unlock the van, but we caught him two cars over, but...needless to say, I was exhausted by the time we left the airport and my week had only just begun!!!
Shawn called the next day and complained that breakfast wasn't very good...breakfast? breakfast? Who gets to eat breakfast??? I reminded him that I am working full time, with five kids, running to all their activities, getting virtually no sleep because I can't stand the dark (maybe where my kids get their irrational fears), and he is at the Venetian by himself complaining that the breakfast wasn't that good???? He might want to rethink what he complains about! :)
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