Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week 37!

Call Guinness!!!!
This has got to be some sort of record. At my doctor's appointment yesterday, he said I was 3 cm dilated and almost totally effaced, but right now the baby's head is resting on my tailbone so it hasn't engaged yet. Last night, I was up from about 2:30-4:30 with painful contractions off and on--but when I got up to take my shower and get ready for the day at 4:30, they suddenly stopped. As I was leaving yesterday, the doctor said, "I'll see you next Wednesday, if you're still pregnant and that is looking less and less likely!" Yeah right! I'll be there next Wednesday, still touting the huge belly and I'll show up the Monday after that for my scheduled c-section. BOO!!! I so wish I could just go into full labor and have the baby on my own, especially with the hospital saying no one can come visit because of H1N1--not even my other children. The thought of that just makes me nauseous!!!! I was cheered up quite a bit today by my coworkers. They threw a little shower for me and got me a bunch of diapers and wipes and had some really good food. I work with great people--who like to have reasons to celebrate! So, now we are just waiting. I have parent-teacher conferences tonight. After that, I will feel like I have all of the major things out of the way--now just to get baby off the tailbone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, I know that you are busy in the lives of this wonderful family. I see evidence of your presence in this Mom's blog. Please be with her as she goes through the last few day(s) of her pregnancy. Please keep her and her baby healthy so that they may return home to the rest of the family quickly. And may they live their lives close to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
