Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 13!

Yesterday afternoon, I went to Drew and Dawsyn's school to volunteer in their classrooms like I do every Thursday. At the end of the day, when the kids were supposed to be leaving, the principal came across the speaker and asked that all teachers hold their students in their rooms until further notice. Of course, Drew was freaked out by this. We eventually found out that an "off-duty" police officer was in the parking lot with his gun visible and parents reported it, thus causing the confusion. Anyway, as we were getting ready to leave, we found out what the issue was and Drew stopped dead in his tracks and said, "Technically, I think we should have been under a lockdown, I mean I honestly don't feel that just keeping us in the building was the safest plan if someone had a gun, I don't care if he was a cop". The teacher and I just looked at him in disbelief, as he was very upset about this. I'm sure his teacher thought he was cute, but I just kept thinking about Barney Fife and "citizen's arrest, citizens arrest!!!" I love my little rainman!

I had my first of the ten ultrasounds yesterday. The tech was wonderful and answered all of my questions. She said that so far, everything looked fine. The baby was measuring a few days ahead of schedule, putting my due date at November 26th. He/She was curled up in a little ball, but then would stretch out for a few seconds. At one point, the baby put it's little hand up by its mouth and you could count every finger! Amazing. She asked me if all five of my kids were planned and I said that none of them were. I explained that with my poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, my cycles are always off. She said that she sees women all the time for ultrasounds who have PCOS and that they are lucky to have one child. She said that most of them go through an awful lot of treatment and never have success. She couldn't believe it when I told her mine were all natural. She said, "you've never had help?" I just smiled and said, "Not unless you count my mom's Novenas and rosaries!"

After this weekend, I am definitely ready for Summer. We went to the drive-in, swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's and got our flower beds all done. We are sun-burned, wore out, and exhausted, but it was great.
Drew and Dawsyn learned to swim for the first time this weekend. Ok, so it wasn't actually swimming, neither of them are ready for the Olympics, or even a large bathtub, but they did get in the 5 foot pool with no water wings, floaters, life rings, life jackets, or any of the above (all of which Drew would try to wear at once last year to keep him extra safe, by the way). They got in, and realized they could reach the bottom and still keep their head above water, which was important so they could hear what was going on, as Dawsyn so astutely noted (yes, Dawsyn, and the whole breathing-thing might be a plus as well!). They even made it a few feet by doggy-paddling across the pool a little ways, so this was a huge accomplishment. Drew then proceeded to reread the safety warnings on the pool ladder just to insure that he hadn't broken any rules. He hadn't, but found at least 5 that he was sure Grandpa had.
My Dad turned 51 on Sunday, we had a great day, but then tested his age on Monday by having him come over and work in our yard. I don't know what it is about my dad, but he definitely set any other men in my life up for failure. The kids were playing around the yard and Shawn decided to fix our fence which had blown down two years ago. Mom was also very busy weeding, she has to be sore today! So, since I am pretty useless to any physical labor except growing a baby right now, I sat and watched the proceedings. It pretty much went like this: Shawn starts on fence, Dad plants the kids sunflower house. Shawn still on fence, Dad plants "Pumpkin Show" for Dax (they just planted pumpkin seeds, but Dax is convinced that "Pumpkin Show" is going to grow in our backyard--if any carnies start sprouting out of the ground, I am going to have issues). Shawn--fence, Dad is now fixing the swing-set. Shawn--still on same peice of fence and I think he is undoing whatever he spent the last hour doing, Dad is now "improving" the swingset (Tim the toolman Taylor anyone?). Shawn starts to put the fence back on for the second time, Dad is now setting up the water slide for the kids, then moves rocks, and puts lattice up around our front porch. At this point, I missed something because Shawn had at least moved onto the second piece of fencing. (Sigh). He may be 51, but he can work the 31 year old computer programmer into the ground. Don't get me wrong, Shawn is a wonderful man, and a really good provider. He would just rather sit at a computer and tell you what was missing in your code, then put a fence back together. In the end, we had a great day, a lot got done around the house, and Shawn even put the fence back together!!!

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